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Vertical Garden Inspirations for Tiny Spaces

Vertical gardening is the most recent trend to maximize tiny spaces. This modern trend is bringing greenery hence making homes very attractive. It is actually turning out to be a permanent shift in the way people view gardening. The great ideas for saving space offer extraordinary garden designs for moving upward while adding a stylish touch to fences and walls. Vertical garden designs are beautiful and elegant solutions for beautification using tiny plants and flowers.

Yukon Gold offers a collection of ideas, tricks, and tips that can transform tiny spaces into attractive and extraordinary places. Apart from beauty, one can plant herbs and vegetables for consumption, and they will do pretty well. Below are some wonderful inspirations that you will change the aesthetic value of your tiny space.

Building a trellis

Using hardware cloth and a sturdy material measuring 2 x 4's, you can design trellises for vining and climbing edibles. Doing so will not only make plant harvesting more comfortable, but it will also increase room for herbs and vegetables in the ground that tend to clump or bush. Summer squash, green beans, small pumpkins, peas, and cucumbers will scramble up the trellis at ease. Maintenance end harvesting will become easier even after the long vines become elevated.

Go industrial

If you are those people who spend a lot of time online, you must have come across planters made from things like rain gutters, wooden pallets, and cinderblocks. These items are always readily available at improvement for homes' stores, and they make very creative and unique vertical planters. But you must be careful if you are planting edibles, ensure the cinderblocks you use are not only new but also clean. They should also be lined with plastic drainage holes, and if you were to use pallets, they should never have been chemically treated.

Hang a basket

You can hang small containers anywhere you feel like and be sure of a very nice vertical splash. For a planting that is bold and edible, you can combine herbs and lettuces with beautiful annual flowers.

Plant a hayrack

Vertical gardening is very practical for people with a deck, a balcony or porch railing. You only need to hang a hayrack planter, and then line it with moss or cocoa fiber, and you will have a herb garden without much struggle. The best choice for such includes small herbs such as mint, thyme, parsley, and chives. Adding various annuals makes it even more attractive, but it depends on your opinion.

Make a 'living wall planter.'

The self-watering pockets enable you to grow on any given vertical surface. Majority of them are constructed from wood, plastic, or heavy-duty felt. They are excellent for small herbs, medium vegetable plants, as well as fruit bushes that are small, for instance the berries.

Reuse racks

You could probably be having a shoe rack or even an old utility that is no longer in use. You can convert such into a wonderful vertical inspiration by lining the shelves with moss where you will be planting vegetables and herbs that you desire. The rack can either be mounted on something or just make it lean against a wall. Since moss drains at a very high rate, you might find it quite tiresome to keep on watering the plants. To avoid such frustrations, you should add a plastic layer that has drainage holes underneath the moss.

Plant upside down

Making vertical gardening by planting upside down will only cost you some few dollars. You only need a 5-gallon buck to begin. Cut a circle at the bottom large enough to allow a tomato plant to pass through. Make some more holes for drainage, fill the bucket with soil, and hang it at a strategic place where the plants can access sunlight.

The bottom line

The use of vertical planes is becoming a common thing to people who have limited horizontal space, for instance, the condo owners and apartment dwellers. This is because of the gorgeous decorations that result from flowers and plants arranged vertically. Vertical gardens made of greenery, flowers, succulents, and vegetables has indeed turned out to be the small space solutions for the outdoor living areas and modern home interiors. For more information, visit Yukon Gold Gardening Tips & Tricks website.

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